Join Healthy Rivers Ambassadors Anne Jensen and Bob Newman for a public meeting on the future of our Rivers:
Restoring Rigour to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan: What is needed to get the Plan back on track?
5.30—7.30pm, Wednesday 12 February 2019
The Joinery, 111 Franklin St, Adelaide | Free
Two important reports were released recently about the effectiveness of the Basin Plan. This seminar aims to provide context and discussion on how we can make sure the Plan is effective.
Hosted by Healthy Rivers Ambassadors Anne Jensen & Bob Newman
Supported by Conservation SA, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Australia Institute, Australian Conservation Foundation
Presentations by:
Anne Jensen (Healthy Rivers Ambassador):
Key issues raised by the Productivity Commission and SA Royal Commission -
TBC (Australia Institute representative):
Ensuring wise and effective spending of remaining funds -
Craig Wilkins (Conservation Council of SA):
Keeping the downstream end of the system healthy will keep the Basin healthy -
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists representative (TBC):
Keeping informed and engaged: opportunities for action and advocacy
Don't miss this important opportunity to hear from the experts and join the conversation on the future of our Murray-Darling Basin.
All welcome! Places limited — register now to secure your seat.