Time 2hr Adelaide 5-7pm
Target Audience: Regional Community - Architects, developers, engineers, university, local government, schools, water authorities, leaders, senior managers, land development agencies
Target numbers: 30 – 50
5.00 to 5.20pm Networking drinks
5.20 to 6.00pm Presentations
5.20 to 5.25 Welcome
5.25 to 5.35 Inspiring Positive Change OPL evolution & SDG’s (15mins)
5.35 to 5.50 OPL exemplars x 2/3 clients
5.50 to 6.00 Future Focus Purpose & Activity outline (BAF Board Chair)
6.00 to 6.30 Group Activity: actions and collaborative efforts
6.30 to 6.35 Wrap-up, thank you and invite to network
6.35 to 7pm Networking, drinks and food