The State Planning and Development Code is intended by the State Government to replace all council development plans within SA by mid 2020. Development beyond the council boundaries in the outback has been and is managed by the State Planning Commission. Recently released, Phase 1 of the Out of Councils P&D Code is out for public comment.
Download the Notice of Meeting/Agenda here
The intention is that the 'process will bring about changes and improvements to the way planning is done in the outback and represents the first investment in rural and remote planning in more than ten years’. If you or your group have an interest in the region, you are invited to attend and may choose to comment by 29 March on the draft to State Government.
Consultation by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure is being held in outback centres only during the consultation period. An invitation for a representative of the department has been sent to provide an overview of how the Code will address outback issues in the planning code at this meeting.
A summary will be made and sent to attendees, and a report on the meeting will be submitted to the quarterly meeting of the Conservation Council of SA.
The meeting will conclude at 7pm, with light refreshments provided. Please RSVP for catering purposes to [email protected]