SARAA (South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance) presents a special event celebrating the life of Ian Purcell, one of the founders of SARAA and the “godfather” of the Adelaide gay community.
The Oration will be delivered by Andrew Birtwistle-Smith, a proud Boandik, Meintangk traditional owner from SE South Australia. Andrew has been involved in and led a number of whole of government strategies and change management processes in regards to LGBTIQ and Aboriginal issues and was a strong advocate for marriage equality here in SA. He continues to advocate for broader social inclusion within our LGBTIQ communities and more broader. He was a long standing Board Director and, for a period, Chair of SARAA. He also instigated and sponsored the inaugural 2019 NAIDOC SA Award for LGBTIQ Person of the Year. Andrew is CEO of Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation in Mt Gambier which provides health and wellbeing services to Aboriginal people throughout the SE of SA.
A night not to be missed!