Interested in learning a little more about your compost? Or are you thinking of getting starting and want to dive right in? Join Georgia Pollard as we dig a little deeper into compost. In this workshop we’ll explore different practical composting methods, according to how much time and how much garden you have to work with. There will also be some tips and tricks for how to kick-start your compost and what to do if it’s just not working for you.
This workshop will cover:
- Composting basics
- Troubleshooting: smell, pH, slowness
- Small scale composting: Bokahsi & Wormfarms
- The difference between hot and cold composting
- Composting for large gardens
- Liquid composting and foliar sprays
So come along, bring your questions and get ready to get your hands dirty!
Sunday 9th April 2017 | 10am – 12:30pm
Wear clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty, if you’ve got gardening gloves bring those along too (but we’ll have some extras), and bring a notebook in case you want to write anything down.
The Adelaide Sustainability Centre is supported by the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resource Management Board and Conservation SA.