How can we be better prepared for our changing climate?
Adelaide's Climate Ready Forum brings together speakers, displays and inspiration to help people prepare for climate change impacts, and build networks of resilience.
- Learn what you can do in the event of power and water outages.
- Support your health, coping with extreme weather events and adjusting to environmental change.
- Protect your family, pets and community in challenging conditions.
- Use your garden to cool, soothe and feed you and your household.
- Make your home an oasis and sanctuary, keeping heat out in summer and cold out in winter.
- Learn how plants create resilient habitats for humans and other living creatures.
- Get connected, informed and organised.
Knowledge is power. Let's learn what we can do - and get climate ready.
This event includes an afternoon tea with food and drinks. If you are unable to pay the admission fee, please contact [email protected] for possible sponsorship options.
Speaker announcements coming soon.
Organised by Climate Ready Champions in the Adelaide community, supported by the Australian Red Cross and Resilient South (Cities of Holdfast Bay, Marion, Mitcham, and Onkaparinga), and hosted by Adelaide Sustainability Centre (supported by Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board and Conservation SA).
Further supported with speakers and presentations by AdaptWest and the RSPCA.