6 - 7.30pm, Monday 20 March 2017
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Described as a world class energy magician, Søren Hermansen has spearheaded the transformation of his home - the island of Samsø in Denmark - to become the world's first 100% renewable energy island in 2007.
What's relevant to South Australia in Søren's story is the way Samsø created its energy transition, largely from within the community's own resources. Søren was instrumental in bringing the community on this journey from skepticism to belief in the benefits of clean energy independence and the new economy it can create.
Come along to be inspired by the Samsø story and to find out what you need to know to help set our state on its own journey.
Søren is Time Magazine's Hero of the Environment 2008 and has recently written Commonity = Common + Community, a book about modern commons and how to understand them. For more information about Søren's work, see Samsø Energy Academy:
Soren will be introduced by Heather Smith who has recently returned from a Churchill Fellowship looking at community energy around the world as a way of understanding the deeper energy transitions that are underway.