Boomerang Bags works to reduce the use of plastic bags by engaging local communities in the making of Boomerang Bags – community made using recycled materials, Boomerang Bags provide a free, fun, sustainable alternative to plastic bags. By getting involved, you are participating in a national movement that celebrates a local grassroots initiative, community building and sustainability.
September Working Bee - Saturday 23 September
9:30am set up for 10am - 1pm session
Adelaide Sustainability Centre @ The Joinery, 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide SA 5000
- If you have them: Sewing machines and an extension cord (just in case), sharp fabric scissors and/or pinking shears, straight edge steel ruler, pins, any spare fabric.
- Please make sure all your items are clearly labelled so that nothing gets lost and if anything is left behind I can find the owner.
If you don’t have any of these things but are keen to help, there will be jobs for everyone. We will do another demonstration of how the bags are put together and then we will get on with making some. We will try to accomodate people who are keen to learn to sew - these bags are the perfect starting project.
Please let me know if you can come so that we know how many people to expect - don’t worry if you can’t come, there will be other opportunities.
Boomerang Bags aims to make our life a little bit less plastic, so please try not to use plastic bags or one-use coffee cups or water bottles. There is a kitchen with cups and there will be tea and coffee available. There may even be some morning tea!
Join the Boomerang Bags Adelaide Facebook group here.