Learn to Knit/Sew/Crochet • Meet New People • Contribute to Community Projects
Join Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots SA Team for a morning of knitting and fun. Learn more about Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots and how you can volunteer or get involved in our service campaigns. Learn more about our 'Crafting For A Cause Campaign' as we learn to knit over a cup of tea or coffee. Campaign participants help make blankets for Adelaide's homeless community and help upcycle clothing/scrap fabrics to make bedding for animal shelters and pouches for wildlife rescue groups.
To register your attendance, please email [email protected]. Gold coin donation to attend, and participants get free wool and knitting needles. Crafting For A Cause starter packs ($2) and other Jane Goodall Institute of Australia merchandise will be on sale on the day.
Knitting Beginners, Novices and Experts All Welcome!
Craft For A Cause Campaign Details: Participants knit or crochet 20 x 20 cm squares in any colour or pattern they like. Squares are sewn together to create blankets for Adelaide’s homeless community. If participants would prefer to sew, they can help upcycle used clothing and scrap fabric into blankets for Adelaide’s animal shelters or create pouches for wildlife rescue groups.
January 18, 2020 at 10:00am - 12pm
Andrea Stiglingh